On View presents images from noteworthy exhibitions

FOR HER FIRST SOLO MUSEUM EXHIBITION, Adrienne Elise Tarver is presenting a focused installation. Opening tomorrow at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, Conn., “Adrienne Elise Tarver: The Sun, the Moon, and the Truth” features “Manifesting Paradise” (2020–ongoing), a suite of 22 mixed-media works on paper based on the Major Arcana tarot cards, paired with “Weary As I Can Be,” a related painting that depicts Vera Otis, a fictional character who regularly appears in the artist’s work. The show is part of the museum’s newly established Aldrich Projects, showcasing a single work or series by an individual artist. Tarver splits her time between Atlanta, Ga., and Brooklyn, N.Y. CT


“Adrienne Elise Tarver: The Sun, the Moon, and the Truth,” organized by Caitlin Monachino, curatorial assistant and publications manager, is on view at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, Conn., from Sept. 8, 2021-Jan. 2, 2022

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ADRIENNE ELISE TARVER, “Magician,” 2020 (ink, oil pastel, colored pencil on paper, 5 ½ x 4 inches). | © Adrienne Elise Tarver, Courtesy the artist


ADRIENNE ELISE TARVER, “Strength,” 2020 (ink, oil pastel, colored pencil on paper, 8 x 5 ½ inches). | © Adrienne Elise Tarver, Courtesy the artist


ADRIENNE ELISE TARVER, “Star,” 2020 (ink, oil pastel, colored pencil on paper, 8 x 5 ½ inches). | © Adrienne Elise Tarver, Courtesy the artist


ADRIENNE ELISE TARVER, “Moon,” 2020 (ink, oil, pastel, colored pencil on paper, 8 x 5 ½ inches). | © Adrienne Elise Tarver, Courtesy the artist


TOP IMAGE: ADRIENNE ELISE TARVER, “Weary As I Can Be,” 2021 (oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches). | © Adrienne Elise Tarver, Courtesy the artist


FIND MORE about Adrienne Elise Tarver on her website


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