CULTURE TYPE HAS BEEN AWARDED a 2015 Arts Writers Grant. Recipients of this year’s grants from Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation were announced Dec. 1.

The annual grant program is “designed to support writing about contemporary art, as well as to create a broader audience for arts writing, the program aims to strengthen the field as a whole and to ensure that critical writing remains a valued mode of engaging the visual arts.”

Arts Writers Grant logoGrants are awarded in four categories—articles, blogs, books, and short-form writing. According to the program, nearly 600 applications were considered and only 20 writers received grants. Culture Type is among three projects selected in the blog category.

WRITTEN BY VICTORIA L. VALENTINE, Culture Type explores black contemporary art through the lens of books, magazines, and catalogs. Drawing connections between artistic vision and pivotal cultural moments, it combines journalistic, scholarly, and curatorial insights and shares invaluable interestingness culled from the published record on black art.

“I am grateful to be selected for an Art Writers grant and pleased that the judges find value in Culture Type—both its concept and content—as a means of engaging the visual arts and providing information on art by and about people of African descent,” said Valentine.

“The grant will help offset the costs of producing the site, which includes researching, reporting, and writing the content; launching a newsletter to meet the needs of a growing audience; and traveling to diversify and expand coverage.”

Established in August 2013, Culture Type features a compelling mix of book and exhibition coverage, art news, and Culture Talks—exclusive interviews with artists and conversations with innovative figures in the art world about the intersection of art and culture. Special reports include an annual list of the Best Black Art Books and the Year in Black Art.

READ MORE about Arts Writers Grant Program

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