RECOMMENDED READING FEATURES recently published content from around the web, recommendations from Culture Type worth taking the time to explore:

“Recovering Weeksville” By Brandon Harris | The New Yorker
The new Weeksville Heritage Center, “Brooklyn’s largest African-American cultural center,” cements the legacy of the black landowning community for which it was named. Straddling Bedford-Stuyvesant and Crown Heights, Weeksville hosted “Funk, God, Jazz, and Medicine: Black Radical Brooklyn” in collaboration with Creative Time this fall. The New Yorker reports on the ambitious multi-venue exhibition and the decades-long effort to preserve symbols of the community’s history and fund the $34 million, city-owned building.

Bradford Young = Bynum Cutler
Still from “Bynum Cutler” by Bradford Young via Creative Time

Artists Conversations: Bradford Young by Sara Salovaara | BOMB Magazine
“Black Nationalism, rural Brooklyn, faces, and monoliths” encapsulates the subjects and symbols of filmmaker Bradford Young‘s “Bynum Cutler,” a three-screen video installation on view at Bethel Tabernacle AME Church, the “God” in the recent exhibition “Funk, God, Jazz, and Medicine: Black Radical Brooklyn.” Writer and filmmaker Sara Salovaara interviews Young, whose cinematography credits include “Pawn Sacrifice,” “Mother of George” and “Pariah” about his vision for the project. “The invitation to do the installation was a big educational experience for me,” Young says, “I had no prior knowledge or prior engagement with Weeksville as a community.”

“Kara Walker’s Thought-Provoking Art” by Carol Kino | Wall Street Journal Magazine
“On the heels of her wildly successful installation at the Domino Sugar Factory” the Wall Street Journal Magazine Announces its 2014 Innovator Awards and selects Kara Walker in the Art category for her “fearless exploration of race and sexuality.” About her sugar sphinx installation Walker says, “I figured people would come because it was free. But I don’t think you can anticipate tens of thousands, or all the celebrities.” And when it was up, “I didn’t quite know what to do with myself.”

By sheer coincidence, all three of these articles relate to recent Creative Time exhibitions. CT

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